| Some boat user groups have discussions. If you would like your user group listed here, send us an email with the URL and description. Catalina 30 International Catalina 30/309 Association - The IC30A is dedicated to quality boating, lifetime enjoyment and continued value and service to its yacht owners. The IC30A is non-profit, low-cost and open to all owners of a Catalina 30 and 309 yacht. The international membership represents over 20% of the ~7000 production Catalina 30s built, making this the largest USSA/ISF one-design keelboat owners association in the yachting world. With over 44 chartered local fleets, owners are encouraged to join or form new fleets in their local sailing areas. The C309 carries on the traditions of the discontinued C30 and is a welcome addition to our membership. As the C309 family develops much more info and resources will be added to the association.
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